Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Humble pie

Firstly, its been a while since i wrote here, over a year ago i suppose, though the time does fly by and i always think about writing, but get so caught up with life that i rarely find time to sit and write down my thoughts. That said, i read a lot of my older posts when i want to remember what i think and the way i came to those thoughts... so here i was thinking about something that i feel like i spoke about though not specifically. Being humble in my opinion is likened to what we call a wise person. Why i say that, is because being humble, means that you care less for something that will profit your thoughts or opinions as opposed to others. Its broader than that too, though I'm not trying to define the word, but what i feel with it. I feel that Ive realised that Ive been selfish and self conscious for a lot of my youth, since i felt that i was better than people when i got thoughts first, and further i felt that i could really do a lot more than i was. I felt that i was where i was because of other people holding me back in a way. These, however were totally innocent feelings, as i really feel that i was ignorant then and know a bit better now. Why did i feel like that or expect that air of superiority. I know that the way we are brought up, are being the center of our parents lives since we are from them and they care and love us. They of-course want the best for us and make us feel special and the best thing to them since ever. Now, in all these good intentions and us feeling great about ourselves, how does a person transcend into being someone that looks down on others and feel superior. Where's the turning point, and how do we rein it back? I always aspired to be the best person my parents wanted me to be, not because i felt obliged, but because they believed in me to have the potential i put my mind to. This brings me to the realisation and where humbleness comes into the solution. From the first experience of failing at something (eg. walking and falling down)we realise the pain in falling and the freedom of walking. We are humbled by the fact that we will fall if we loose balance, and as a small child, instinctively we would try our best not to fall. Even without realising it, we find a sort of "fear" from falling or getting hurt, and this is like the building blocks of what being humble is. Progressing, if we think of moving from the physical aspect, to the more psychological aspect of being humble, like towards a persons feelings or towards taking advantage of a person, the same principles apply. We grow up expecting things from our parents who most of the time let us get away with, and thus without knowing it, we learn to take advantage of them and their moods/attitudes etc. We then take this way of dealing with people to people around us. When someone breaks your heart in school, you feel devastated and realise you would never want to do that to someone else, which makes you a better person for your next relationship, and thus we progress in life learning about numerous things that we could come out humble and wise to in the future. How many people out there haven't had the opportunity to learn in life these thing to treat people properly before hurting them? What do so many people that are humble to our exploitations make it easier to handle? What my point is, to skip a few steps, is the realisation that we could be taking advantage of someone or a situation. We can be better people by just knowing that the way we act could be unfair, and proper thought be put into something before actually carrying it out. i always think in my mind .... "what if i was in his/her shoes, what would it look like"