Friday, 30 March 2012


It's FRIDAY!!! and what a long week it has been, which brings me to my topic for today. Time and our perceptions as well as our understanding of it.

Growing up, from the time i can remember, we always just knew and understood what we were exposed too, such as the time of the day, the days of the week, the months and years. We are so caught up, that on our birthdays, we usually celebrate once a year, most of us would recognize the feeling of feeling a year older the day you move over even though just the day before you was classified as a year younger!

The way we recognize and perceive time is relative to what we expect to happen to us at around certain ages. Though, growing up, before we learn to read time on a watch, most of us would have thought of time in terms of waking up, eating breakfast, time to bath, time for lunch, a certain time to snooze, supper time and then time to sleep. Time was endless and we cared little for rushing about getting stuff done. As i find myself now, everyday i seem to want more and more time as i realize that the time we all have on this earth is a finite amount. This means that some of us who have dreams which could fill the skies and seas, wouldn't be able to complete it during a lifetime.

We pursue ideas and goals and almost everything we do is related to time and how fast or quickly we can do it. Efficiency is defined by how well we can do something with the least effort in the shortest space of time. Time is a constant and it progresses at a rate that we cannot change (we feel time, not the recorded time on a clock or clocks around the world - clocks are only a tool we use).

So pondering more on this, as we are all curious people who have ambitions and aspirations to progress and advance civilization as a whole, the most important aspect i can find about time would be that we need to spend it wisely and efficiently.

As humans and with our nature of things, we use time to do nothing, we use time to do very little, and we also use time to be productive sometimes, yet the most meaningful way of spending our time would be a balance of sort to acquire our dreams. We need to know the directions of our goals and aspirations and follow them to the ends of time.

With that, i guess I'm off to the weekend, looking forward to plenty sleep and a bit of relaxation, though the thoughts in my head keep coming like wave after wave of a sandy beachfront...

Lets see what next week brings!

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i think that..