Filling up voids, making use of your time, being lost.
Every second not used, gone, would never be achieved
again, yet, every moment left, and yet to come, has
unlimited potential, and positively totally free of
choice. Decisions made, influence your time, yet time
shouldn't influence your decision.
Everyone lives to die, yet everything in-between
means what you make it to be."
The above was written a few years ago, by myself during a time when i just started work, and was thinking about time and how are we affected by it also how we can perhaps have an influence on it. The way we can make ourselves live lives which are more meaningful.
First, i chose to acknowledge the facts, which are that we exist with free thinking minds. We shall one day die as well. The time we have at our disposal is in-between these two points. We come into this world knowing very little except to live, and live is what we do. We learn of the complexities, and progress on. We find our styles, our communities and even our self-identities. With all of this, we become as we are known today.
Looking back we realize that we have learnt at an alarming rate, if we can appreciate the small intricacies, such as the way we learn to control the very muscles in our finger's to form neat words on a page.
In essence, today what i think of, is the same every time i read this extract which i came up a few years ago. It helps me put myself in a frame of mind that takes me away from being caught up with the everyday rituals we get used to , and face a reality i choose. The reality i want to live, and the reality which i can have an influence on.
We do make wrong choices often, but we also have the capacity to learn. So, use your time wisely and be certain to not get caught up and feeling down as you 'have' to do something.
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i think that..