Wednesday, 18 July 2012

fears that make us who we are

One of the most primal instincts we have is the feeling of fear. We all feel it and understand that there are things in this world which we fear. Some things we fear more than others depending on its possible effect on us.

Personally i fear time as one of the things that will catch up and take its toll. We all age as it is our nature to, and yet i feel that i may not be able to do everything i wanted or accomplish as much as i wanted to. Perhaps i procrastinate too much, perhaps i aim too high, but the end result cannot be avoided.

Coming into contact with things around us, we learn to fear things such as falling and hot surfaces, but this we learn usually after experiencing it first hand. We also learn of other fears of things that don't exist, but are rather made up by our imaginations such as monsters under the bed of in all the dark places. We do however learn to overcome some of our fears as well.

The more we understand about things around us, the more we loose our fear of things which we know cannot harm or hurt us in anyway, and we develop fears which are more realistic such as things which cause grievous harm physically and emotionally. From being in an accident to loosing the love of our life's, we get hurt and fear the same situation happening again. People sometimes don't recover from these for their entire lives and others learn to deal with it and get over it.

Fear makes us mortal and helps us understand our boundaries to a level. We do however get quite caught up when we tend to be extra cautious and as a result we loose site of taking any risks that may be for the better. We become conservative and never do anything out of the box. Our fears can make us into boring and strange people.

Taking a step back and looking at our fears and our lives on the whole, we may see that death is inevitable to everyone. In the same way, do we fear death or do we rather fear the amount of pain it may take to kill us?
As we know the certanities, we cannot stop them and hence we cannot postpone when is meant to happen. We shouldn't take risks that are not worth it, but on the same breath, we shouldn't bury ourselves in a hole fearing everything that may go wrong.

Myself, i feel i have made many mistakes in my life and i don't want to go through them again, but without certain things that happen to us which are out of our control, how would we ever develop our characters to be with those who have fought wars and became renowned for their strengths.

"fear cuts deeper than swords" - Arya Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire,George R.R. Martin

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i think that..