A break to discover, find out more about oneself. To learn about new things we didn't know previously. To discover the truth about how we feel and what we really think about stuff.
I haven't written a post for a little while now as I took a long time over due break, even though it was just a week! The change of scenery is always welcome for the light it brings to your eyes to see things from other perspectives.
We look for motivation to do things we don't really feel like doing, like the reason a lot of people work. Like, really , who enjoys getting up on a cold Monday morning to go to an office and work. The reason behind that is really as we understand it to be that we need to earn a living.
Earning a living can be defined as being able to earn money to be able to at-least live with the most basic needs such as food, clothes, shelter. We can extend these needs in orders of priority such as lighting, privacy, etc. In the day and age that we exist and to be able to live in a medium standard of living, we would have to have so many things above our basic needs. We would need fast transport, easy nutritious meals, clean clothes and that's just a few.
Looking back, we can still remember how we were content in our younger days without having any money at all, but going out into the world and still having fun and productive day. We cannot however say the same looking forward. The things we would need to live a normal life in the days of current and looking forward require so much more.
We can however accept that most of what we do is better advanced that what we may have been used to in the past, but sometimes we seem to get lost on a tangent trying to keep up with the world and what really makes a positive difference in our lives. We cannot walk barefoot anymore without our feet getting sore since the shoes we use always are always comfortable and soft. We cannot stand the cold or heat as we are so used to climate controlled environments.
We adapt to our surroundings as it is in our nature, but i feel that we shouldn't make ourselves too complaisant as to expect everything to be perfect all the time. We are made to be able to withstand and endure certain things that we are exposed too, but how would we ever be able to deal when we have to if we don't let ourselves be exposed to some kind of hardships at-least?
To be a strong person, i think we need to look for the rocky road rather than the easier one sometimes.
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i think that..