Thursday, 10 May 2012

charging for interest

A glimpse, something know, something not. perhaps enough, maybe not at all. Which of these would we say are the truest of the lot?

Capturing the interest of a person or an audience means to make a person curious. A curious person is interested in things they do not know. We all are looking for answers even though we might not seem as much, but that is certainly how we are made.

A bright light in the surrounding darkness forms a beacon, a river falling over a ledge makes the sounds of peace and similarly people who have something to share create intrigue in the people around them.

People of a community, grow together and generally have a lot of the same mannerisms. They speak with the same dialect, have similar beliefs and even react similarly to things around them, since what the young learn if primarily from their parents, then the schools (run by the community). In the same way, a person develops their personality and also an understanding of logic. They figure out what kind of things make them happy, and at the same time they discover their capabilities and limitations.

A young person will look up to a person whom they admire, since that person would have the qualities or lives in the way that young person aspires to. These are our role models. I know that not all people who are role models are perfect or any good for that matter, such as drug using musicians or actors, but these ideas are exposed and built into our societies.

We relate wealth and being famous to these people, but at the same time we say they do all these bad things. At another moment, we all strive to be wealthy as well, so logically younger people make the link, and start believing that doing the same as these 'role models' they will end up wealthy. There are many other examples such as this one, but you get what i mean.

How does a person gets interested in somebody, but at the same time there may exist a person who isn't interested in that person at all? As i mentioned above, i think that people are interested in other people according to what they admire in terms of capabilities, attributes and personality. Like the saying goes "opposites attract" might just be true, since what a person might be lacking in, is what interests them in the next person.

In the end, i feel that to acquire and keep ones interest is not only the about what the person looks like, but the way these each complete each other.

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i think that..