Tuesday, 29 May 2012

to be a Legend

The thought of being remembered even when you are not around, the hope of being around and making a difference well after you have passed. This is what a legacy should be.

We all have dreams and hope to do amazing things during our lifetimes. We dream of making this world a better place for us to live in and perhaps sometimes even for everyone around us. We do things and start projects that wouldn't get done within our lifetimes only since we believe that it would add to the value of life.

We do what we feel is the best thing for the people around us and we also believe that this is the best there is, so we hope to carry this through through generations via the actions we take and the things we set in motion.

Such things are noble and Honorable like the building of governments for war ridden countries in Africa, some aren't like the holocaust created in Germany by Hitler. Hitler indeed had in his mind that he was in fact doing the right thing and that's why he did all he could to carry it out. In the same way we all feel that what we do is sometimes the best thing for everyone and we aspire to carry out this to everyone around us and even to people who are still to come.

How do we know whether our intentions are on the right side or are going to really be better for the greater good? We know that sometimes things that seems harsh may be good such as ending a life of a suffering animal. At the same time, how do we know when that line is not to be crossed? Do we end the life of a person who is suffering only because they cannot lead a normal life after this?

The notion of leaving behind a legacy by a person is a noble idea and shows that there is some need to be remembered for carrying out something meaningful and for the betterment of everyone on the whole. Though there are so many people who are born and die at every moment, not everyone can be remembered as they desire and not everyone can make a difference.

We who have the opportunities need to make the best of it and do what we can. We shall leave behind meaningful ways for living, but to do this we need to make a difference. Lets become legends of our times, do something to help, even if its a small part of a greater project that would only be realized years after your passing.

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i think that..