Friday, 11 May 2012

unassumed strength

What does it mean to have strength?

We know that usually when we are talking about a person who has strength, we picture a guy with defined muscles who could perhaps carry a horse. This is the physical strength that we think of when referring to strength. We also know of emotional strength, like when a person has the unfortunate opportunity to go through many hardships such as loosing everything around them and they have to get up and continue with life. With this high levels of emotional distress, people learn to endure more and more of the sad things that we can expect in life and hence, they become emotionally strong.

In science, the strength of something can be defined by the amount of energy the it can absorb before it fails. This we can logically tie with how we feel and a similar definition for our strength.

Initially, i used to think that the harder something was, the stronger it seemed, though i did find out later that this perception was indeed false, since harder things can absorb lots of energy initially, they have a limit at which they suddenly fail. Example, glass is a hard substance, and relatively strong, though once it cannot absorb anymore energy, it shatters.

We can use this as an analogy when relating it to people as well. We sometimes feel that people who are stern and hard as we say, might seem as they have no feelings and are almost emotionally dormant, but there may also be a realization that they really only have the capacity of being mean to an amount after which they break down and cannot do it anymore. They keep their emotions closed off and almost immune to any hurt.

On the other hand, people who are trustful and soft at heart, show their emotions often and at the same time their good nature is taken advantage of, and in the end, they always get hurt. Though these type of people get hurt, they do not totally shatter. They get up and move on.

I feel that true strength lies with those who are soft at heart and are the most caring. These are the qualities we should look for in ourselves.

Don't be mean, be sweet, adorable and caring.

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i think that..