Tuesday, 8 May 2012

get up, dont give up

A million thoughts, you ears feeling warmer than they should, you cannot concentrate at the task at hand, always looking for a way to figure out whats the solution, then all of a sudden, like a massive wave, it just hits you and you start lose all concentration, directive or drive to complete whatever it was you were doing. You decide that's it, and you give up!

When things are beyond our control and we cannot have enough of an influence on something, we get scared and fear the worst, which after we realize what the worst may be, we cave in and give up. We find that there are people who work and live everyday with high levels of stress and could be found thinking a lot and figuring always figuring out what they need to do. A lot of other times, we may find that some people work better under pressure which is evident how they work under this stress. they could even be described as being smooth as silk with everything they say holds weight and meaning.

We do know that individuals handle stress differently, but what we find is that with a lot of people, there may be a breaking point where they loose hope and give up. This sometimes is also done due to frustration and being a human, we have the capacity to be short sighted, narrow minded and make rash decisions.

If we take a step back and look with a bit more insight, we will find that we always have choices, even in what seems to be a no choice situation such as if you meet in an accident, but the reality is, that there are so many choices you could have made previously that could have allowed you to avoid that choice. This is sometimes impossible to foresee, but we do have to deal with the consequence.

By giving up, it does not necessarily mean that we cannot complete our task, but it simply means that we could not see our way through it. It seems that some tasks we carry out may be above us and impossible, yet most of us does not truly understand what an impossibility is.

I believe that the choices you make lead you in a direction you choose. This direction may not always take you to where you want to be or where you find yourself, but you are there because of a choice you made yet could not understand all the implications (some we can comprehend, some we cannot). The following verse if from the Holy Quran:
"On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear" 2:286. (This verse is also repeated in 6:152, 7:42 and 65:7).
The fact that we find ourselves with decisions and choices to make, is perhaps a reason for our creation. We feel we make right decisions and wrong decisions, but the reality after them is that we are left with what we have in front of us and we have to move on, we cannot move backwards.

To end, i feel that people who give up, really because they feel they are incompetent or hopeless, while they are in fact not, and they exist specifically to complete each task they have. Don't give up, just take some time to rethink, get yourself in a better frame of mind and move on with the pieces you have!

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i think that..